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So, let’s talk about “Affiliate Marketing”. By Scott Rogers The Renegade System Affiliate Manager

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If you are somewhat new to the model of “Affiliate Marketing“, then you’ll want to learn exactly WHAT it is and what it means for you in the network marketing industry. So, here is a comparison of affiliate marketing to network marketing:
Affiliate marketing is similar to network marketing (mlm) in the fact that you market products or services (online or off), and when someone buys that specific product/service – you get a percentage of the profits paid as a commission for you. You can also earn off of other people’s efforts in affiliate programs that offer a multi-tiered structure (such as The Renegade System’s 2 tiered set up).
One HUGE advantage with becoming an affiliate, is that many times the commission percentages for products or services that are sold through an affiliate structure are MUCH HIGHER than those network marketing companies may pay out. One reason is because the overhead and other expenses the affiliate program owner has, may be less than a big networking company’s expenses. Secondly, because there are usually not as many levels paid out; so commissions are not spread out down tons of levels.
Another attraction factor many people love, is that you don’t have to “recruit” people or build a “downline” – but you still get to earn RESIDUAL INCOME, and you can market multiple products/services to provide more value to your prospects (instead of just one) for multiple streams of income!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard distributors from network marketing companies get upset because there is a clause in their company’s “policies and procedures” manual that PROHIBITS that rep from marketing or selling a competing “direct sales” product. Some would say that network marketing companies know how to make multiple streams of income, but do they ever teach distributors how? Whether that is really the case or not, marketing products/services from “The Renegade System” as an affiliate keeps you away from the “direct sales competition clauses”.
Now, there are different types of affiliate programs ranging from things that pay one time commissions each time your marketing or advertising makes a sale, to ones that pay you residual commissions every month as people continue subscribing to that specific service or continue buying that consumable product you are marketing. Which, by the way – by being an affiliate of The Renegade System, you are provided with BOTH types of commission payouts!
Being an affiliate offers total freedom to be able work from ANYWHERE with simply your computer, an internet connection, some specific marketing knowledge, and lead generation skills! You don’t have to attend local meetings, spend time on the phone with “tire-kicking” prospects, try to get your downline people to DO something, or worry too much about your competition.
You can also market things that are popular in ANY economic condition (like training, education, and information), so recessions and bad economies won’t kill your business (or income). Truth is, people are ALWAYS buying or investing in SOMETHING (whether it’s information or actual products/services). So you have the opportunity to see what people ARE buying at any given time (such as marketing training and skill set education), and then set yourself up as an affiliate with those things and cash in anytime!
Of course, an obvious advantage to marketing as an affiliate with The Renegade System – is the fact that you can GET PAID to generate your own leads for your business opportunity/venture! So, you get to make upfront cash AND generate qualified leads by just marketing Renegade products (Accomplishing two things you need to do anyway all at once)!
It is important that beginners in affiliate marketing obtain a true perspective on the industry and have realistic expectations. Many people “try” affiliate marketing, but don’t make a go of it because they didn’t get the right type of training on this industry from someone who has proven experience and results.
That is why it is so important to pay close attention to this blog and any training information we produce for the affiliate force
So you can learn WHAT to do, and the effective ways to get it done to produce results!
With the growing trend of more and more people trying to take control of how they earn their money (instead of depending on an employer or a typical job), affiliate marketing can be a VERY lucrative and rewarding option. You can work COMPLETELY from home, with VERY low upfront investment (as The Renegade System Affiliate Program requires NO ongoing membership), and earn BIG commissions with no strings attached!
NONE of this will become a reality for you if you don’t know what you are doing, and you don’t get educated and trained on the RIGHT ways to leverage this powerful income generating vehicle called “affiliate marketing”. It’s also very important to understand that you will need to take personal responsibility with your actions to make sure you learn what you need to learn to get results. There will be things that you will have to figure out in your own timing as you progress, and it may take some time to develop a system that works for you. Don’t expect massive results unless YOU are taking massive action.
Once you do have a clear understanding of what you need to do, staying CONSISTENT in your efforts and continuing to develop the needed skill sets – can help you progress at a nice pace.  You can create tons of income and generate a boatload of leads by combining the right training with your consistent, effective actions.
The good news, is that you are already a VALUED affiliate with The Renegade System – and we have that PROVEN training and assistance you need at your fingertips!
So, take the time to continually go through this blog to study and learn affiliate marketing and the specifics of The Renegade System; then go out and make things happen!
Attending one of the many live training webinars or conference calls I produce for affiliates can provide you with deeper insight and real world solutions to help make the most of your efforts. Not to mention, that you’ll find the answers to most of your questions there (and throughout this blog).
The renegade blog is a great resource for you to get all the help you need with your affiliate/network marketing business without spending a penny.  Get free expert advice that could cost hundreds. 

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