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Four Corners Alliance Group Announces the Arrival of Mobile Wallet for Its Nigerian

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Make Money from Home Press Release from Four Corners Marketing Department Four Corners Alliance Group Announces the Arrival of Mobile Wallet for Its Nigerian Associates and their Teams This is a major positive development for Nigerian Four Corners members… FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 7, 2015—Four Corners Alliance Group has just announced that their Nigerian members now have the ability to receive payments via mobile wallet, using Firstmonie. Mr. Harrison said that he is pressing hard to implement mobile wallet in Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia, and Ghana as soon as possible. The company has been working diligently to provide the lowest fees possible for the members, therefore the slight delay in launch of this new option. Any withdrawal request will be charged a very low flat rate of $1.50 per withdrawal request. The join fee at the Product #1 level will still be only $18 with no additional fees. If you choose to purchase products from your store there will be a small fee of 5% added to the purchase price. People in Nigeria are encouraged to log in to the system between now and Tuesday to make a withdrawal request and become familiar with the process. Every week between Sunday to Tuesday inclusively, users will be able to log into their 4 Corners account and click on the top menu tab "Finances" and select "Submit a Withdrawal Request" from the drop down menu. You will then be taken to a page where you will be provided with a Step-by-Step process to complete your withdrawal request. To watch a brief tutorial video of how to make a withdrawal visit Nigerians - How to withdraw to FirstMonie or watch the video below. “Nigerians have a new way to send and receive payments, which is a big step forward,” said Four Corners CEO David Harrison. “Being able to use your smart phone for this process keeps you on the cutting edge, and we appreciate the patience of our Nigerian friends as we worked to roll this out.” To learn more about 4corners Please visit this link: 4corners finacialfreedom InboxPays
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